Dry Needling

What is Dry Needling?

Dry needling uses acupuncture needles to penetrate the skin and stimulate underlying myofascial trigger points in the muscle.

Dry needling is used to treat various dysfunctions in the fascia, skeletal muscles, reduce nociceptive (pain) input, improve circulation to the area whilst creating a feeling of relaxation and helps allow the body to heal itself.

Active myofascial trigger points can be found in various disorders such as tension type headaches, joint dysfunction, muscle strains and sprains, whiplash associated disorders and complex pain syndrome.

What is a myofascial trigger point?

The word “Myo” means muscle tissue and “fascia” is the connective tissue around the muscle. When a muscle has been stressed or injured the fibres can have what’s called micro tears. When this occurs muscle fibres can start to “stick together – adhere” this then leads to scar tissue and shortening of the muscle, even at rest. This can cause pain in the tissue.

Dehydration, poor posture, unhealthy eating habits and a sedentary (sitting down) lifestyle can all contribute to myogenic (muscle) pain.

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Need a dry needling treatment near you in Brisbane’s Outer Eastern Suburbs? Book an appointment with us or send us a message if you have further questions.