Osteopath Near Alexandra Hills

Your local Osteopath serving Brisbane’s Outer Eastern Suburbs


Looking for an Osteopath near Alexandra Hills, QLD?

Helping you back to wellbeing

Osteopathy treatment involves the whole musculoskeletal system; this includes the skeleton, joint function, underlying muscles, soft tissue and internal organs. Treatment helps to create the ideal conditions to promote healing in the body.

Osteopaths use a hands-on approach to treatment. A combination of physical manipulation, stretching and massage help increase mobility, aid soft tissue repair and relieve muscle tension. Manipulation techniques are used to promote fluid movement and reduce stiffness in the joints, whilst massage and stretching treats and prevents tightness in injured muscle and other soft tissue.

While renowned for treating spinal issues, osteopaths treat ALL body parts, for example, muscles, tendons, ligaments and joints. A wide assortment of conditions respond particularly well to osteopathic treatment including:-


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