Looking for an Osteopath near Birkdale, QLD?
Helping you back to wellbeing
Osteopathy is a style of healthcare that employs a patient focused, physical approach to restoring, maintaining and promoting physical and overall well being. As a form of manual therapy it uses hands on massage and gentle movements to ease many kinds of pain, restore movement, and reduce inflammation. Osteopaths are perhaps best known for resolving back problems, but we also treat damaged muscles, joints and ligaments. Many injuries can be treated and when developing a treatment plan we treat the whole body and not just the injury. The founding principle of Osteopathic treatment is to locate the root of your problem as this provides the greatest success in resolving chronic or recurring problems.
While renowned for treating spinal issues, osteopaths treat ALL body parts, for example, muscles, tendons, ligaments and joints. A wide assortment of conditions respond particularly well to osteopathic treatment including:-
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